Monday, 25 May 2009

Boda Boda's!!!! Grrrr

Well, its a long time since I wrote on the blog, I always seem to wait for a proper story or Anna beats me to it. Anna was only saying yesterday that I had not written on the blog for ages, so something had to happen didn't it?

We have had quite a good week actually, Unni the Neonatologist is leaving very soon so we had a party in his honour on Thursday night. It was very nice and even though I had offered to organise he insisted on cooking, Danny went and got the beer for us as Sofies back wheel on her bike had gone funny and thus all I was left to do was make Pitta breads and supervise... Cant complain really.

We also went to the leaving party for Anna's Cuban and Indian colleagues which was very nice, especially as the University provided food and drink.

My news of course is different (for the purpose of VSO readers, as usual this story of course is completely made up and didn't happen, honest). Yesterday we decided that it was a nice day therefore we fancied a swim at Lake View (the local posh hotel), Shivaun one of the other VSO's who has just moved to Mbarara was coming and we were meeting Sofie as well. All was well and we decided to gets Bodas, I flagged a few down and let Anna and Shivaun choose their bikes.

I jumped on my bike, and thought maybe the driver was a bit young, this of course was proven when he wobbled over the first speed hump. At that point I should of course have told him to stop but didnt, we then went over the next speed hump and I saw him getting closer and closer to this mountain bike to the left. I do not know whether the Boda driver was drunk or just dumb but he did not react and carried on ploughing into the back wheel of the mountain bike, taking of course the mountain bike and of course the boda with me on it over.

It was not bad, as the bike rider jumped off, however I now have grazes on my arm and leg. I said a few choice words to the Boda driver who was at this time being shouted at by a crowd. To be honest I dont know what happened to him after that as I realised I was bleeding and therefore we decided to go back to the house and sort out the cuts. So much for our trip to Lake View. Thankfully it was not the bad even though Anna put pure Alchohol and Iodine on my cuts and I now have some random Gauze and plaster on my arm and leg.

We did manage to get to Lake View in the end too, although of course I could not swim :-( maybe next time.

I suppose I have now learnt a lesson that if you get a Boda make sure they can actually ballence a bike properly...

Anyway.... Thats all for now will write more when there is other news, hopefully not another Boda incident.


Unknown said...

Me thinks you should avoid Boda's at all costs!!Everyone knows not to trust random foreign youths on motorbikes!!!!

Keith Millar said...

Hi Jason, good to hear your having a enjoyable time out there. So after you found out you were bleeding did you go to A&E and if so, did they have iPM or Lorenzo!!!!! :-)

All the best to both of you
